Thursday, December 2, 2010

Accomplishment of the year

I (Katie) went successfully running with Luca at Lincoln park today. I know that it isn't really that big of a deal but it has been something I am hoping to doing on a regular bases for a LONG time. Last time I tried to run with Luca was maybe last year and a total disaster. I am optimistic that we have turned a corner and are now able to do this activity together. Luca loves to looking at the boat, dogs, and to go fast in the stroller. There is also a long swing ride in the swings at the end of the run for Luca.


  1. Coach Foster would be proud of you! ;-)

  2. Luca is getting so big now that he is not as easy to push and run. I am impressed! Hope you two can continue to do this together.
    Mom Walker
