Sunday, March 28, 2010

Getting ready for the big 1 year mark!

John and Katie before the babyKatie pregnant before the first ultrasound
Luca in 3-D before we knew his name would be Luca (but we already knew that he would be cute)
Katie 28 weeks pregnant with lots of questions and uncertainties

As we approach the one year mark of Luca's birth, I think back to a year ago now. The waiting, the wondering of what he would look like, how his body would be affected by his lack of movements and arthroyposis, and wondering what his personality would be like. I was thankful every day to get to go to work and not be on bed rest in the hospital. I was thankful for our friends, and family who showered with us with support and gifts to prepare us for caring for this little guy.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the great pics and your heartfelt thoughts. Our love is sent your way...from France.
