Friday, March 16, 2012

"Woes" of being a second child

 Juliet's "bedroom"
A few things I have noticed about raising a second child so far:

-She sleeps in a travel bed on the dining room table instead of in her own room at night
(eventually she will have her own room but it is too far walk to in the middle of the night)
-I have used ear plugs at night several times (when someone else is scheduled to feed her a bottle) and not used a baby monitor once
-She gets lots of toys laid next to or on top of her by other children
-I hold her more, stare at her sweet little face, and cherish these fleeting moments of being small because I KNOW they are not going to last long
-I delight in dressing her without her having an option about what she is wearing.

Juliette seems to know how to get lots of attention already and does not like be set down in the day. She will wake up within 2 mins. of being set down and start to fuss, but if you pick her up she will fall fast asleep in your arms again. Luckily this does not apply at night.

1 comment:

  1. So precious and so true...and what wonderful memories your comments bring back! :) Love you and love your blog! Heidi.
